Since the 1980s, the world kleit consumption quantity continuously hasassumed the trend of escalation, in 2002 the world kleit amount usedachieved 45 million t (papermaking industrial used 25 million t),Japanese, South Korean, the Southeast Asia various countries highrange amount used is about 80 ~ 1 million t, but these national andthe local kleit mostly depends on the import. At present, in the worldaltogether has more than 60 national productions kleit, the outputquite big country is US, England, Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS), South Korea, Brazil, Germany, Czechoslovakia and China. Above 8national kleit productivity approximately composes the world ultimateoutput 80%, American annual output 8.87 million tons, English annualoutput approximately 2.42 million tons, Brazilian 1.7 million tons. Inthe world is suitable for the papermaking level kleit ore deposit,mainly distributes in country and so on US, England, Brazil,Australia. At present, overseas does not produce the coal formation to burn the kleit, its burns the kleit product mainly is takethe soft nature kleit as the raw material. US produces burns thekleit beginning to the 20th century the beginning of 70's, to 1999 the annual output had achieved 2 million tons, account for itsultimate output 1/5, occupies the world to burn the kleit ultimateoutput 80%. Because American, the English high quality kleit resourcespasses through many years development, the mineral resource has beenlimited, but has limited the output development. The world mainlyconcentrates to the kleit expense in the papermaking, the ceramics,the paint and the plastic four big domains, uses in the papermakingdomain consumption quantity in the world scope kleit to account forthe expense total quantity above 50%. US is the kleit biggest expensecountry, next is Western Europe. The American kleit output 60% uses inthe paper industry (papermaking coating to account for 40%, paddingaccounts for 20%), building materials 20%, refractory brick andBolivian filament 16%, paint and plastic 4%; The English kleit output80% uses in the paper industry. Our country kleit consumption patternand overseas difference bigger, in the expense total quantity 80-90ten thousand tons, used in the ceramics and the fire-proof materialhas accounted for the total quantity 80%, these two professionsmajority was nearby purchases the kleit undressed ore, the directapplication, the product scale was lower. But the paper industry yearconsumption kleit 20-22 ten thousand tons, domestic only can satisfyabout 90,000 tons, its reason mainly is because our country suitabllyuses in the papermaking coating soft nature kleit ore deposit to beless. In order to change the current this kind of condition, needs todevelop the use coal formation kleit resources, the development burns the kleit the production, realizes our country papermakingcoating level kleit being self-sufficient. The coal formation kleit isour country unique kleit resources, mainly distributes north part ofour country North China, northeast, in northwest local black coal -permian discipline coal formation. Our country starts from the thebeginning of 1980s to develop the coal formation to burn the kleitthe work, but the industrialization large scale production beginningto the the beginning of 1990s, also produces the factory few, thescale is small. At present, our country produces thefactory to have Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu,Ningxia, Xinjiang and the northeast area and so on approximatelyseveral dozens, but can produce high quality burns the kleit alsoon scale factory only several, the annual output insufficient 100,000tons. 2.1.2 markets trades situation at present, the world kleit year tradequantity approximately is 8 million tons, 80% uses in the papermaking,15% uses in the ceramics, other account for 5%. The kleit mainlyexports the country for England, US, Brazil, China and so on. TheEnglish America kleit exportation weighs out do not occupy the worldtrade 45% and 30%, for many years continuously has been controllingthe international market. Exports the product mainly for theearth, and the modified earth. The main import country isJapan, Germany, Italy, Canada, Finland, France and so on. Day thisyear imports the quantity to approximately compose the world tradequantity 16%, is the Asian area kleit biggest expense market, importsevery year the kleit has surpassed 1.2 million tons, mostly importsfrom US and Brazil. US to Japan's sea cartage expense each tonapproximately 100 US dollars. Our country exportation kleit are manyfor the process dressing primary product (laundering earth) or theundressed ore. Since the 1980s later period, the our country kleitforeign exportation daily expansion, in 1995 rose to 440,000 tons.Mainly exports the object is Hong Kong (73.5%), Japan (10.6%),Malaysia (10.6%), Taiwan (5.39) %, many is the undressed ore, theselling price is low. At present our country uses in papermakingpigment mineral the and so on kleit required quantity is 70-80 tenthousand tons/years, because the our country high quality kleit isshort, can not but import or by other mineral color substitutions. Inthe last few years our country papermaking coating industry import burns the kleit quantity is: In 1996 37,200 tons, in 1997 54,300 tons,in 1998 64,300 tons, in 1999 105,200 tons, in 2000 187,000 tons, theimport average price is 360 US dollars/tons. 2.1.3 market prices kleit price because of product grade and habitatbut different, is determined by the market, the price difference isbigger. The kleit price general trend is . The paddinglevel, the ceramic level price is steady, the coating level thencontinuously hastens rises. English and American D.B.K and the THIELEkleit company each kind of kleit price, sees the table 2-1. Question supplement that, Japanese, South Korean, Southeast Asiacountry and Hong Kong and Taiwan area approaches which with China,because lacks the kleit resources, does not produce the high qualitykleit and burns the kleit or the output are very few, mustmassively from national import high quality kleit and so on the US,Brazil, England (including select kleit every year and burnskleit) the product. In 1998 Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia onlyrespectively achieved 103.794 from American country import highquality kleit, 14.593, 11.59, 68,460 tons. Adds on from country's theand so on Brazil import quantity, Japan the kleit import totalquantity amounts to above every year 1.2 million tons. With countryand so on US, Brazil, England compares, country and the area and so onChina and Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia are away from near,occupies the geography superiority, is not higher than 35 US dollarstransport expense by each ton to arrive Japan, but US to Japan's seacartage expense each ton 100 US dollars, has approximately had thecompetitive advantage in the price, infiltrates Japanese and theSoutheast Asia market is completely possible. Therefore, burns thekleit processing technology along with our country the progress, theproduct quality stable enhancement and the production scale expansion,started to Japanese, South Korean, the Southeast Asia country and HongKong and Taiwan and so on the peripheral country and the localexportation high quality burns the kleit, it is estimated, in 2007will export the quantity to amount to about 70,000 tons, in 2010 about250,000 tons.